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Monitoring Cities

Spring 2021

Characterizing cities through sensing and data processing.

Connected Devices & Network Interactions

Spring 2021

Network programming for devices with limited computing power, current protocols for communication between devices and networked servers.

Real Time Social Spaces

Spring 2021

Building real-time online environments for social spaces.

Experiments in Augmented Reality

Fall 2020

Exploring how critical theory can be applied to augmented reality.

Distributed Renewable Energy Access

Fall 2020

Developed custom solar solution for SELCO Foundation's Healthcare team.

Thesis Part I (Research)

Fall 2020

Research for thesis proposal.

Game Design & The Psychology of Choice

Fall 2020

Using principles of psychology and behavioral economics to modify and design games.

Critical Objects

Spring 2020

Building, developing and designing physical objects to incite conversation about complex political and social issues.

Digital Fabrication

Spring 2020

Exploration with various digital fabrication tools ranging from 3-axis CNC mills to 3D printers.

All Maps Lie

Spring 2020

Building interactive maps.

Physical Computing

Fall 2019

An approach to learning how humans communicate through computers that starts by considering how humans express themselves physically.

Computational Media

Fall 2019

Using p5.js, a JavaScript library for creative coding.